L A R R Y W E I D E L 




  • Develop the same habits and mindsets successful people use to get and stay at the top
  • Streamline your process to become a Serial Winner (someone who wins in life over and over again)
  • Get solutions to side-step common stumbling blocks that hold most people back

What others are saying:

"Serial Winner is an eye-opening tool for anyone needing guidance and motivation for next-level thinking. If you like winning as much as I do, this is for you."
What's Included:

Module 1 - Decide:

What do you really want? 
3.5+ hours video content + workbook
This module will help you get specific about your ideas—what you like and what you don’t like, what you want and what you don’t want.  Clarify these ideas faster and with greater precision, using the same strategies that Serial Winners use. 
Even if you know what you want to do with your life, improving your decision making skills will help you:
  • Get unstuck 
  •  Work around your limitations
  • Unravel confusion
  • ​Confront doubt
  • ​Define your target
  • ​Create an action plan
  • ​Get started 

Module 2 - Overdo:

Why “just do it” is never good enough to win.
3.5+ hours video content + workbook
Most of us underestimate the effort and the resources it’s going to take to carry on through to victory. 
This module will help you learn how to recognize the signs and dangers of underestimating yourself and build a mindset of overdoing it from the start. Learn how to get started in the best way possible to set yourself up for success.
Even if you've already started, learning how to Overdo will help you: 
  • Get the most out of your limited time
  • ​Launch projects
  •  Improve productivity
  • Leverage resourcefulness
  • ​Become failure-proof through the early stages
  • ​Take the guesswork out of becoming successful

Module 3 - Adjust:

How winners adjust in the face of adversity
4+ hours video content + workbook
This module will help you adopt the Serial Winner adjusting mindset and learn how to stay right on track when things go sideways. You'll unlock the secret of how winners harness their emotion for fuel, become fearlessly enthusiastic, 
and put enough force behind each course adjustment to make it successful. 
If you're feeling stuck in any aspect of your life, learning how to adjust properly will help you:
  • Overcome plateaus and setbacks
  •  Keep your perspective
  • Work through confusion
  • ​Work through emotionally overwhelming problems 
  • ​Make adjustments with speed 
  • ​​Find solutions even in the most difficult situations

Module 4 - Finish:

Mastering the #1 skill that gets the job done–again and again
4.5+ hours video content + workbook
The closer you get to the finish line, the harder it can be to keep a clear head. 
This module will teach you the one skill you need to become a finisher in all aspects of life and claim the success you’ve been working toward. 
  • Minimize distractions
  • Amplify concentration
  • Remain calm and effective when everyone else is panicking
  • ​Master mental toughness 
  • Coach yourself to keep going
  • ​Finish strong and race THROUGH the finish line to even bigger opportunities! 

Module 5 - Keep Improving:

Don't hold yourself back by letting your success intimidate you
5.5+ hours video content + workbook
This module will help you overcome mental blocks that cause you to back off from future success and sell yourself short.
Take a deep dive into the ABI Principle used to achieve bigger and better things. 
Even if you have already made it to success, consistently improving will help you: 

  •  Avoid letting fear limit your success
  • Go from winning occasionally to winning constantly
  • Build systems to make winning a way of life
  •  Use the cycle of winning to build an unlimited life. 
  • ​Automate your success and stay on track to do amazing things for the rest of your life! 

The Bonuses: 

Bonus #1: The Serial Winner Implementation Plan

A detailed checklist with action steps that we outline in the coaching program.
 A bird’s eye view of the entire journey to becoming a Serial Winner. 
Many people say that this plan gives them the perspective they need to stay motivated, to strategize, to avoid getting stuck, or spinning their wheels -- and to become a Serial Winner as fast as possible.

Bonus #2:  Designing An Awesome Life: Lifestyle Bonus Video 

In life, there’s nothing you’ll regret more than losing it all after you’ve already had a taste of success. 
 In this video, I'll teach you exactly how to protect your growing wealth, health, relationships and mental focus -- and exactly what pitfalls to avoid.  

Bonus #3: The Serial Winner Community

Ask specific questions, learn what’s working well for others, and stay motivated to keep winning!
The Serial Winner Community is truly invaluable.

Why Learn From Me? 

So many self-help authors don't have experience in business. 
There are so many life coaches launch courses with no real life experience.

That's not me. 

You'll hear more about my story in the course, but in short, I went from food stamps to over $6 billion dollars in assets under management.

I'm a self-made multi-millionaire. I have done this myself and I use these secrets every day.

When productivity hacks aren't working and you haven't been able to create the lasting success that you want, 

I'm the person to turn to. 
Is this the right course for me? 

This course is ABSOLUTELY for you if you don't want to be average, you want to be the best at what you do. If you feel deep down that you are capable of so much more in life, but have been held back or have been holding yourself back in some way. If you know you haven't yet reached your full potential and need a push to unleash it. If you are ready to put in the work to grow and develop new habits. 

This course is NOT for you if: 

You are perfectly fine where you are. If you are happy living an average life. If it doesn't bother you when people who are less talented than you get the pay raises, the promotions, or become your boss. 

When will I get access to the course?

 Immediately. Once you sign up, you will receive an email with access to the Week 1 Module. 

Is the course self paced? 

You will receive access to 1 module per week (with 5 videos that are an average of 45 min). You will watch the 5 videos during that week and the following week, you will receive the next module. 

How long will the course take me each week/how many hours will I need to spend on it? 

You will need to spend 5-7 hours a week to consume the information, then your own implementation will follow. 

What is the refund policy? 

We have a 30 day money-back guarantee. If you implement the course and don't feel like you've benefitted from it, you may request a refund within 30 days (no questions asked). 
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